How to Break the Rules, Crush Creative Block & Revolutionise Your Art Journaling Practice


Are you feeling stuck in your art journaling practice? Do you find yourself creating the same thing over and over again, unable to break out of your comfort zone?

It's time to break the rules, crush creative block, and revolutionize your art journaling practice. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks to help you do just that.

What is Art Journaling?

Before we dive into how to break the rules and revolutionize your art journaling practice, let's first define what art journaling is. Art journaling is a form of creative expression that combines art and writing. It can take many forms, from traditional journaling with pen and paper to mixed media art created on canvas or in a sketchbook.

Art journaling can be a therapeutic practice that allows you to express your emotions, thoughts, and experiences through visual and written mediums. It can also be a way to explore different art techniques and styles in a low-pressure environment.

Breaking the Rules in Art Journaling

One of the best ways to revolutionize your art journaling practice is to break the rules. Art journaling is a form of creative expression, and there are no hard and fast rules to follow. Here are some ways you can break the rules in your art journaling practice:

1. Use Unconventional Materials

Art journaling doesn't have to be limited to pen and paper. Experiment with using unconventional materials like fabric scraps, magazine cutouts, and found objects. Incorporating different materials into your art journaling can inspire new ideas and help you break out of your creative rut.

2. Try New Techniques

Don't be afraid to try new techniques in your art journaling practice. Experiment with watercolors, acrylics, or even embroidery. Trying new techniques can help you discover new ways to express yourself and can lead to exciting breakthroughs in your creative process.

3. Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

It's easy to fall into a routine with your art journaling practice, but that can lead to creative block. To break out of your comfort zone, try using a different color palette or working in a different size or format. Changing up your routine can help you see things in a new light and inspire new ideas.

Crushing Creative Block in Art Journaling

Creative block can happen to anyone at any time - we’ve all been there! However, there are ways to overcome it. Here are some tips for crushing creative block in your art journaling practice:

1. Take a Break

If you're feeling stuck, take a break from your art journaling practice. Step away and do something else for a while. Sometimes taking a break can help you come back to your art journaling with a fresh perspective.

2. Set Goals

Setting goals can help you stay focused and motivated in your art journaling practice. Set a goal to create one page a day, or to experiment with a new technique once a week. Having a goal to work towards can help you push through a creative block.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present in the moment and overcome creative block. Take a few deep breaths before you start working in your art journal, and focus on the process of creating rather than the end result. My free class is all about taking a more mindful approach to creativity and journaling.

Revolutionizing Your Art Journaling Practice

Revolutionizing your art journaling practice can help you discover new ways to express yourself and inspire your creativity. Here are some tips for revolutionizing your art journaling practice:

1. Take a Class

Taking a class or workshop can really help to boost your motivation to just get stuck in and get started again. Learning from others can inspire new ideas, help you develop your skills and keep you accountable. If you’re looking for a creative self-care class check out my free class and also The Art of Self Care they’re both perfect for the beginner and the more advanced art journaler as they focus on building a habit and infusing wellbeing into your practice.

2. visit a gallery

My favourite way to get inspired is to visit a gallery and view the work of others - it doesn’t matter the topic or the medium of the art, just being surrounded by art is enough to get me opening my journal and creating when I get home.

3. Community

Connect with like-minded creatives on a similar journey to you. The internet is a great place to do this, you could start simply by following my Instagram hashtag #CreativeHeartHealer